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Previously Adopted Groceries

Scroll down and take a look at some of the unfortunate groceries that have led a dreadful life until someone like you adopted them! Included is a before and after photo and a short note!


Ms. Red

Before being adopted, Ms. Red - a tomato -  led a very unhappy life. She was  constantly being pushed around and she has had many cases of assault and abuse by her fellow tomatoes. Since being adopted, she has led a much happier life. We received a short letter from her, a few weeks after being adopted. The letter thanked RFG for giving her another chance in life! Ms. Red has led a much happier, and gentler life since being adopted!


Mr. Apple Bob

Mr. Apple Bob was once a lonely abused Red Delicious Apple. He was continuously forced into wearing ridiculous costumes that he did not enjoy wearing. He was also constantly abused and filled with various bruises. Worst of all, where Mr. Apple Bob used to live, his owner found it amusing to peel his skin off and take bites out of him for amusement. Yes indeed, Mr. Apple Bob led a tragic struck life before being adopted by his new owners. They now treat him with the respect and love that he deserves!


Mr. C

Mr. C - a now fully restored french cucumber - led a dreadful life. He was seperated from his other half at an early age and led a twisted and horrifying life. He was often stabbed by knives in the kitchen and he was very much abused. When he was put into the adoption program at RFG he was immediatly hospitalized and taken care of. He was reunited with his other half and he now leads a happy life out in the country, while living with his 2 new brothers!


 The Ray Zins Family

These poor grapes were treated very unkindly at their previous home. They suffered from multiple cases of abuse that included the unhuman like behaviour of squishing many of their fellow grapes. They are currently undergoing theraphy to recover from the unfortunate lived they led before but as you can see in the "after" picture, they are much happier. They were recently adopted by a loving family who loved fruit and had adopted an apple back in the days when RFG was just starting. Ray Zins have written to tell RFG how happy they are in their new home!

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Fight for the Rights of Groceries!