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RFG Club

Hey Everyone

This is a message to all good and law-abiding citizens. A grave situation has arisen; one that calls out for immediate help; one who’s voice remains unheard in the cluttering mass of our daily lives. YES, that’s right – THE GROCERIES! Too long have they sat on the shelves not thought of - not heard. To long have they been taken for granted and pushed into the stereotypical “shopping item” on the ordinary person’s list. Too long have they sat longing for affection but meeting nothing but digestive juices. That’s right, WE ARE HERE FOR THE GROCERIES! We will fight for the rights of groceries all the way to the highest level of government (in this case store manager). We will fight for all groceries be they produce or shelved / canned/packaged goods. We shall even extend our loving care down to the HMR chickens whose lives came to an unjust cookery and improper burial. All those poor wretched groceries that but strive to live another day will now have a place to belong and a place to stay. That is why we have taken the time to initiate the “Adopt-a-Grocery” page where a loving person can help a poor grocery. If we as human people are not able to quench this horror we will soon find ourselves abusing the very sustenance of our existence. We may casually walk by and ignore the plight of a squashes tomato, or we may ignore the screams of a rudely opened-before-purchased box of shreddies dying for help. We cannot let it come to this; we must not be silent. We must be heard. Now is the time to act! Come. FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF GROCERIES!

What's New?

Recent Changes and Upcoming Events

30/7/04 - Birth of RFG Club Website.

06/8/04 - Added "Our Theme Song" page. Theme song soon to come. Created Email for RFG Club.
12/8/04 - Many edits to the site. Additions to the "Previously Adopted Groceries Page" , "Guestbook" added, etc. Soon to be published =D

17/08/04 - Theme song up.  Changes in a few other areas. Published for Grocery Store employees.
14/06/05 - Wow, it's been a while. Added a new page *Store Wars*. Added a few things here and there...it's comin' along nicely...don't forget to leave comments in the guestbook!



Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to this site by selecting the "Contact Us" Link.

Fight for the Rights of Groceries!